This winter, I had the opportunity to create modern baby blanket featuring a color block wedge pattern. I crowdsourced color recommendations from not only a few friends, but also the very helpful team at Wildfiber Studio in Santa Monica, CA. I ended up with some grey, cream, and light brown neutral shades with a teal-like color as the contrast.
I modified the original pattern in two ways. First, I was inspired by a Ravelry user who flipped the orientation of the wedges so that the main color contrasts mirrored each other every two rows instead of showing the same orientation (right-to-left, right-to-left) repetition after repetition. Second, a number of other Ravelry users also consolidated down the colors to four from the original pattern's six which I also liked to make the blanket feel more mature than a full rainbow of contrasting colors.
The pattern itself was relatively easy to knit up (short rows of garter stitch) but figuring out how to flip the wedge orientation took some considerable thinking and practice (spatial orientation is not my strong suit). I am very happy with how the blanket turned out though - the colors worked really well, and I'm very happy I flipped the wedge orientations for a more interesting visual output. Additional details below.
Color Wedges Baby Blanket
Pattern: Colorful Wedges Baby Blanket by Purl Soho, modified as noted above. The flipped wedge orientation was achieved by:
Pattern wedges 1 and 2 as is, then wedge 3 (modified wedge 1) was 2 knit rows, then row 2 to start pattern. Ended on row 2 (no k150 row). Wedge 4 (modified wedge 2) was starting with a 1 k150 row, then row 1 of that wedge.
Pattern continued by wedge 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2.
Yarn: HiKoo by skacel Sueno - 1.7 skeins in silver sage, 0.5 skein in cream, 0.7 skeins in shifting sands, 0.7 skeins in grey heather
Needles: US 4 circular
Measurements: Post-blocking measurements of 29.5 inches side by 31 inches tall. Pre-blocking measurements of 29 inches wide by 29.5 inches tall.
That is so pretty!
Posted by: Cuddles | March 22, 2022 at 10:06